One of EWR Co’s strategic objectives is to enable the sustainable growth and development of Oxford and Cambridge, and the principal towns of Milton Keynes and Bedford in between, by addressing the poor public transport connectivity through this region and congestion around the corridor’s cities and towns. East West Rail is central to the UK’s economic growth by enabling long term sustainable growth in life sciences and technology, creating jobs in these sectors (as well as wider supporting sectors) and attracting investment for the whole country.
The socio-economic benefits have been described within the 2023 Route Update Report and will be set out in detail within the project’s business case. In brief, the improved east-west connectivity resulting from the operation of East West Rail services will support economic growth within the region between Oxford and Cambridge. East West Rail would open up new areas for businesses to grow as well as bring more jobs within reach of local people. In addition, it is anticipated that East West Rail would help attract and retain talent in the region and bring businesses closer to their supply chains, research sectors, competitors and other sectors, creating wealth and jobs. As itemised socio-economic aspects, the benefits of East West Rail include:
- Reduced travel time, so bringing more jobs within reach of local people.
- Opening new areas for businesses to grow.
- Offering more comfortable, productive ways to travel and improved travel experiences.
- Opening up new journeys.
- Reducing congestion resulting in cleaner air, reduced carbon emissions and safer roads.
- Unlocking inward investment locally and for the benefit of the whole UK.
- Providing employment.
The benefits and impacts will be summarised within the ES as part of the wider socio-economic narrative which will set the context for the more specific local impacts that will be described for each route section.