General principles

Integrating environmental considerations into the design has been a tenet of the development of the project proposals. Since 2021, the government has published a new policy setting out its environmental goals, and in response East West Railway Company (EWR Co) has set out an Environmental Sustainability Strategy. Central to this are six environmental sustainability pillars, and each pillar has an associated ambition and definition. These set EWR Co’s environmental aspirations and the legacy EWR Co aims to leave. More information on EWR Co’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy is available on the East West Rail Website.

As part of this, EWR Co aims to deliver biodiversity net gain and is taking a proactive approach to avoiding, reducing and mitigating adverse environmental impacts to deliver a sustainable railway. Environment and sustainability factors have been considered in developing the proposals and comparing different options. This focus on environment and sustainability factors will remain central through successive stages of design development.

A wider focus on sustainability is also fundamental to the development of the project. This includes realising enhancements for local communities and the natural and built environment where possible, as well as mitigating potentially adverse environmental effects.

To help with this approach, a team of environmental advisers has worked alongside the project’s engineers, and are themselves supported by the environmental specialists responsible for the various environmental topic assessments that inform the EIA.